
Showing posts from September, 2014


i saw mama this morning... i didnt feel any fear it made me think that she is giving me signs about the problems i am facing and she is guiding me... i saw her sitting in my computer chair when i glimpse again shes gone.. dont worry ma i wont let you down we can handle this we still need you but now your gone your guidance is what makes us strong make me strong thank you for reminding me! i love you!

September 8, 2014

i hope this day will bring good news to everyone!! hoping for a POSITIVE RESULT!! (not being pregnant) BIG PROBLEMS = GOD IS OUR SOLUTION!! Thank you dear god for waking me up! please heal my seƱoritas (jaz, bea, jenna and jella)


HOW DOES SHORT HAIR LOOK? boom!! is the start of the BER month but its still HOT!!! i like short hair already!! trimming after a month! :)


hey its the "ber" month already!!! oh my i cant believe it'll soon be Christmas... AGAIN!!! i am asking myself whether our Christmas and New Year would still be the same like the others... now we will celebrate it without her! i guess it will not be the same.... but i am sorry mama i cannot celebrate Christmas and new year in our house again... i cant stand sleeping in the house, coz whenever i saw the play where she lies down lifeless... its all coming back... the pain.. the loss and everything... does everyone who loose their parent feels like the way i do? everytime i walk in the house i can feel the pain... what the heck she is our strength our backbone... our all... there would be more days before Christmas... maybe.. well maybe i will change my mind and will celebrate in the house again... i hope...